how to grow a kratom tree

How To Grow A Kratom Tree

Since 2016, the Kratom tree has been growing in popularity due to the significant press it has been given in local and national news. However, people who are curious to know more about the plant have discovered several positive aspects. Some of those people who enjoy Kratom daily have also taken one step further in their Kratom journey and are attempting to grow their Kratom tree.

While one small plant may not supply the number of leaves a person needs to make tea for an entire year, it is through the love for the plant that these enthusiasts want to know how to make their thumb a bit greener. This article will share helpful information on how to grow a Kratom tree and what the gardener needs to know to be successful.

What You Need To Remember

Kratom trees are native to environments that are hot, humid, and experience heavy rainfalls throughout the season. The tree loves moisture and heat, and most of the time, they grow under the canopy of the other trees in the forest around them. Even though they enjoy humidity, direct sunlight isn’t a high priority. One should mimic a “tropical rainforest” when they begin to cultivate their new Kratom tree. People living in northern Vermont who want to grow Kratom trees will have more hurdles to cross than people who live in southern Mississippi. It is essential to recreate the environment that the tree thrives in to yield the best Kratom tree leaves for the garden successfully.

Seeds vs. Plants

The very first option one needs to consider in growing a Kratom tree is whether or not they will use seeds versus starter plants. Growers should understand that for the seed to multiply under the soil, it needs to be incredibly fresh. Sadly, there are very few seeds found on this continent that can claim freshness because they are either too old or too dry to germinate successfully.

Because of this fact, seeds can be challenging to come by in America. However, if one does locate fresh seeds in this country, they will probably need to germinate several of these seeds at the same time to get enough seeds to sprout. Dependable seeds are tough to come by, and one will need to purchase a rather large batch to prove successful germination.

Difficulty in germination is one of the reasons why plant starters, or early plant shoots, are usually the best option for new growers. One can purchase these starter shoots from reputable growers all across the country, which helps them to skip several steps in the germination process. These rooted clones can provide you with the best options for growing your Kratom tree. The ability to see your plant coming out of the ground is very encouraging and helps new growers have confidence in cultivating their plant in the future.

A consumer has the opportunity to purchase cuttings to start their Kratom tree. However, these usually result in odd growing patterns and strange shapes. Cuttings do not often take root effectively and are more prone to infections and can be tough to keep these plants healthy over time. In the end, rooted plants are the best bet for someone who would like to learn how to grow a Kratom tree quickly and effectively.

The Soil of Your Kratom Tree

kratom tree 2Even though the Kratom tree enjoys the rainy season, one of the reasons these trees thrive in this type of weather in Indonesia is because of the soil. The soil plays a significant role in a fruitful Kratom tree because it needs to have plenty of irrigation, or should have exceptional drainage. First of all, the grower needs rich fertile soil, which offers plenty of drainage options. While drainage is essential, new growers must remember that the soil shouldn’t drain so much that it releases all of the water in the roots. Moisture is vital for a Kratom tree.

If a grower is working with seeds, more water and less drainage is needed for the seed to thrive. When the tree grows out of the ground, correct combinations in the soil are required to maintain this growth. A vital tip to remember is to initially keep the soil hydrated as much as possible to produce healthy germinated seeds. As the tree grows up, continue to maintain the quality of moisture in the ground as needed to create the ideal environment for the plant.

Several variables make for a beautiful Kratom tree. As with anything that grows in the ground, the soil is the most critical aspect of building a tree with stable characteristics for the future. The amount of water it receives, the amount of sunlight, heat, and humidity, frost, and cold, are all variables that growers in the United States need to be aware of as they maintain their plant.

Feeding The Kratom Tree

Once growers have developed the right amount of humic soil for their Kratom tree and learned the specifics of its watering needs, feeding is the next important step. The Kratom tree requires many nutrients in order to thrive. If someone has purchased a Kratom tree starter, it is probably 6 – 12 inches in height. When grown correctly, this tree has the potential to raise upwards of 100 feet or more. This plant becomes ravenous, consuming many of the important nutrients the farmer provides. To become a fully mature tree the plant must consume and absorb all of the water and nutrients it can. This sustainable method of cultivation allows the farmer/grower to maximize harvest time.

There are ways to create a stronger Kratom tree as well. Upon further research, different growers have developed several methods for making their Kratom leaves stronger. One example is to use a fan on the plant. The wind increases potency in the leaves of a Kratom tree. Therefore a fan has been known to mimic wind simulations and could increase the strength of the leaves of the plant.

Indoor and Outdoor Light

The Kratom tree flourishes in sunlight, and it is important for the tree to have plenty of of it. However, if a grower is working from a cutting or sprout, once the roots can be seen, make sure to introduce them slowly to the sunlight. Most indoor growers in the northernmost regions of America are using both natural and artificial light to help their Kratom tree grow the best leaves possible. There are some growers who report a 12/12 (12 hours with light, and 12 hours without light) light cycle is needed to have the healthiest plants. Other growers think a 16/8 light cycle is best. However, your plant doesn’t need light all night long. Try your best to mimic the environment of the rainforest because your plant thrives in these conditions. Optimal conditions of a fruitful plant are heat, humidity and sunlight. Every plant will need plenty of sunlight in the beginning. Make adjustments as you go along to ensure the best lighting conditions for your plant. Also, If you are planning on growing your Kratom tree indoors and you live in an arid environment, a humidifier is helpful in mimicking the humid days of a tropical rainforest.

Harvesting Your Kratom

kratom tree harvestThe most exciting aspect of growing a Kratom tree is harvest time. For Kratom connoisseurs, the ability to develop leaves into tea is one of the main reasons they grow Kratom trees. Harvesting is a crucial part of this process, and it doesn’t happen at just any time.

It can take a long time, and much patience before the Kratom tree is ready for harvest. For maturity purposes, it can take up to two years and ten to twenty feet in height for maturation to happen within a Kratom tree. However, Kratom leaves can be harvested within a year, and the best way to know when the tree is ready for harvest is right before the leaves begin to fall off. The active ingredient in the Kratom leaves, also known as mitragyna, is the most active right before the leaves detach themselves from the tree. However, if your Kratom tree begins to flower (although this will be an unusual occurrence), it doesn’t necessarily mean your tree is ready for harvest. One must be sure to harvest only the fully developed leaves from the tree. Through careful consideration of their plant, and watching the leaves drop naturally, one can get a proper calculation as to when it is time for harvest.

Tea Time

After harvest, the grower can harvest their leaves and create a tea. There are several options here because the stem and veins contain different alkaloid properties than the leaves. Do not throw anything away. If the harvester is efficient, they will take their time and separate the stem and vein from the leaves and enjoy both sets of alkaloid properties, or be able to enjoy them together in the future. Using a grinder or other tool that can turn the leaves into a fine powder is also essential for creating excellent Kratom tea.

Closing Thoughts

Every day another person learns about the world of Kratom and its benefits. Many people purchase their Kratom powder near them from reputable vendors and also have a side project like a Kratom tree as well. Most of these community members already understand they will not yield enough leaves from one Kratom tree. However, the attempt to grow something they love is what makes this process so enjoyable. A Kratom tree can grow in any state, climate is not a factor as long as the tree is grown indoors. The grower also needs to adjust specific parameters to ensure the right environment for the plant. These adjustments could be better lighting, a more humid environment, warmer climate, or all of the above. With the right care, the Kratom tree can flourish. Kratom is quickly becoming more and more popular, and growing Kratom is a fun hobby many enthusiasts enjoy.

Written By Staff

The staff writers for Kats Botanicals have been researching and writing about Kratom products for more than 5 years, and have a combined experience of over 35 years of writing in the healthcare and supplement industry. The team has a keen understanding of the topic, remain current on all FDA and industry news, and use their expertise to generate engaging and informative content to help educate consumers on Kats Botanicals’ products. Each article is fact-checked and includes sources to scientific data to ensure readers receive the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.

Reviewed By Justin Kats

Justin Kats, founder of Kats Botanicals reviews and approves all content before releasing it for posting on the Kats Botanical website. Justin has been a tireless advocate for the benefits of Kratom since 2012. As a champion for botanical therapy, Justin created a Facebook group where more than 12,000 people discuss botanicals, and Kratom. He has also assisted more than 80,000 customers since the inception of his business and works directly with a single source farmer to ensure the purity of the products he sells. He also performs rigorous lab testing because he understands what it takes to get a high-quality and safe product to market.

KRATOM WARNING: For use by individuals 21+ only. Not for use by pregnant or lactating women. Consult a physician before consuming if taking any medication or if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to heart disease, high blood pressure, or liver disorder. Do not combine this product with alcohol or other medications. May be habit-forming and lead to dependency. Not intended for long-term use. For more information, see our Ideal Kratom Dosage Guide for general suggested use.

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how to grow a kratom tree