A quick internet search using the phrase ‘Moringa Supplement’ will provide you with thousands of results containing information from just as many sources. Moringa is quickly becoming the ‘en vogue’ supplement to take for a variety of reasons with more and more people becoming curious about how this natural herb might enhance their lives.
This nutritional supplement first started gaining mainstream popularity when, in 2008, the National Institute of Health named Moringa oleifera the ‘Plant of the Year’, and for good reason!
There’s a lot to love about Moringa oleifera. In this blog post, the botanicals experts at Kats Botanicals are breaking down the top four reasons why this amazing plant is fast becoming popular as a daily supplement.
The Moringa Backstory
The Moringa oleifera plant is native to parts of Northwestern India where it has been growing in the wild for thousands of years. This species is a member of the Moringaceae family of flowering plants, which contains over a dozen other related species.
What makes Moringa oleifera so interesting is that the entire plant – from the roots to the leaves to the seed pods to the flowers – can be effectively used as a nutritional supplement. In fact, humans have been consuming this tree for its natural benefits since at least 500 BC.
[Fun Fact: Some Moringa oleifera trees can reach some pretty impressive heights! The tallest on record breaks the 40-foot mark with trunk diameters exceeding 1.5 feet.]
Even though India is the most prolific producer of Moringa oleifera exports globally, the plant is also cultivated for human consumption in places like the Carribean, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
It’s important to note that not all Moringa oleifera exports are created equal! Depending on where the plant was growing, the nutritive condition of the soil, sun exposure, humidity and other factors, the potency of any Moringa oleifera supplement can vary widely. In this way, Moringa oleifera supplement quality is much like Kratom, Valerian Root, Shilajit, and other all-natural choices.
Nutritional Value of Moringa Oleifera
By far, the most nutrient-packed part of the Moringa oleifera plant are its leaves. Most Moringa supplements contain crushed and pulverized leaf matter in the form of a fine powder. Some formulations can include minuscule amounts of bark, root, seeds, or Moringa oil.
Moringa tree leaves are sometimes consumed in large quantities as a dietary substitute for leafy green vegetables. This makes sense, as the USDA does recognize this plant as having specific nutritional value.
A five-cup serving of fresh Moringa leaves contains the following nutrients:
- Vitamin A (47% Daily Value)
- Thiamine (22%)
- Riboflavin (55%)
- Vitamin B6 (92%)
- Vitamin C (62%)
- Calcium (19%)
- Iron (31%)
- Magnesium (41%)
- Manganese (17%)
- Phosphorus (16%)
In order to reap the benefits of Moringa, it’s not necessary to consume five cups of raw leaves at a time. When the leaves are dried and crushed into a fine powder, the moisture content is removed and the plant matter containing the nutrients is retained. In this way, Moringa oleifera powder is a ‘condensed’ form of an exceptionally nutritional leaf.
Instead of consuming handfuls of raw Moringa leaves, it’s possible to experience the positive benefits of Moringa supplementation with just two capsules of compressed, dried leaf powder.
Rundown of Benefits
Now that you have an understanding of the history of Moringa oleifera and its nutritional content, let’s dive into the many benefits that can come with adding daily Moringa supplementation to your wellness routine.
First and foremost, it’s important to understand that Moringa oleifera does not contain any ‘secret’ substance that is going to magically cure or treat any disease or illness. The biggest selling point of Moringa is its nutrient density! It’s the ultra-high concentrations of so many critical vitamins and minerals that make Moringa oleifera such a celebrated nutritional supplement.
With this being said, here are the top four benefits that many people experience when taking Moringa oleifera.
#1: Enhanced Detoxification
Did you know that Moringa oleifera seeds are often crushed and used to purify water? It’s true, and the same cleansing properties the seeds have, the leaves themselves have, too.
When ingested, Moringa oleifera leaf matter is broken down by digestive enzymes, and the purifying elements of the plant go to work supporting the numerous systems throughout the body.
#2: Improved Protein Synthesis
Somewhere, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘amino acids’. Truth be told, amino acids are a family of proteins used by the body to build muscle and regulate the maintenance of every living cell in your body.
Moringa oleifera contains all of the essential amino acids needed by your body to build muscle and promote healthy cell function.
#3: Balanced Blood pH (Alkalization)
Many leafy green plants are considered ‘basic’ in terms of pH. This means that they’re on the opposite side of ‘acidic’ on the pH scale. Moringa oleifera is no different: the leaves are especially basic, and when consumed, the net result is an alkalizing effect on the blood. Acidic blood pH can cause a host of problems including fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, and headaches. Supplementing with Moringa oleifera can support balance for blood pH levels.
#4: Boosted Antioxidant Levels
As chemicals and molecules are processed throughout your body every day, free radicals are released into virtually every cell. A free radical is an unpaired electron that, if left unpaired, can cause damage in the body in the form of something called oxidative stress.
Antioxidants are the heroes in the fight against oxidative stress, and Moringa oleifera happens to be packed with them.
How to Get Started with Moringa Supplementation
With as much as there is to gain in using Moringa, the next obvious question is, “How do I get started?”.
Kats Botanicals makes it easy to begin reaping the benefits of this incredible natural wellness booster. Moringa oleifera can be taken alongside most existing vitamin and mineral supplement regimens, but be sure to speak with your doctor or dietitian before getting started with any new supplements.
As always, if you have any questions about Moringa oleifera or any of the other botanicals available through Kats Botanicals, don’t hesitate to contact us; we’re always happy to help!
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article should not be used as a substitute for medical or dietary advice. Before beginning any new supplement regimen, consult with your physician to determine if a given supplement is appropriate for your individual situation.