how to store your kratom

How and Where to Store Your Kratom

When storing Kratom to preserve its efficacy and freshness, opt for a dark, cool place, well away from UV light, humidity, and oxygen. Treat your Kratom as you would fine teas, storing them in much the same manner.

There’s evidence that Kratom, when stored in improper conditions for too long a time, eventually degrades the potency. The main active ingredient – mitragynine – slowly transforms into another compound when stored improperly.

As a rule, use fresh ground Kratom leaf within one to three months of delivery. Procure your Kratom from a reputable vendor, like Kats Botanicals, so that you can be confident they promptly ship fresh Kratom and adhere to proper storage guidelines.

To avoid the degradation of your Kratom, store it appropriately for its usage in the proper containers. These tips can help you keep your Kratom in the freshest possible condition.

Storage Enemies of Kratom

When you’re deciding where to store Kratom, consider some of the variables that can affect the taste, quality, and longevity.

Temperature Changes

While Kratom should be stored in a cool place, the primary problem to avoid in terms of temperature is fluctuation. Kratom degrades very quickly when it shifts from one end of the temperature spectrum to the other. Find a spot to store your Kratom that has little-to-no temperature fluctuation.

If your kitchen is southwest-facing and gets very warm by the end of the day, you may want to pick a different location for storage. A dark pantry or a root cellar are two great choices for Kratom storage.

UV Light

The sun’s rays are powerful and can even be harmful. We all know that extended periods in direct sun can be damaging to our skin. The same holds true for Kratom storage.

kratom and how to store itSunlight is the element that causes the alkaloids in Kratom to begin to break down. If you’re an occasional Kratom user, when you finally get around to using your Kratom, it may be less potent if it has been sitting in UV light.

Kratom can tolerate some level of sun but be mindful of how much sun your stored Kratom is getting. Look for dark-colored tins or jars to store it in, as dark glass jars may help slow down the deterioration process.

Excessive Oxygen

Oxygen is a critical ingredient for oxidation. In metals, oxygen results in rust, but oxidation can also occur in foods and vitamins. Food with a lot of fat in them oxidize and smell off or rancid, and vitamins can also oxidize, which makes them less effective.

Oxidation can also degrade Kratom, as it can any natural substance. Once off the tree, Kratom is extremely susceptible to environmental changes, so you want to limit those changes as much as possible. Keep oxygen to a minimum in your storage containers.

Similarly to UV light, prolonged exposure to high levels of oxygen can degrade the potency of your Kratom. Airtight containers and bags help slow or prevent this from happening.

Strong Smells

Some people may opt to keep their Kratom in the refrigerator if there are no other viable options for cool, dark places in their house. Refrigerating your Kratom is an excellent choice, except you need to be wary of powerful odors affecting its taste.

This predicament also occurs with open butter containers. Like butter, if you store Kratom in your fridge and there are odoriferous foods in there as well, like garlic bread or onions or cooked meat, your Kratom may end up smelling like some of these foods.

Kratom’s sharp, bitter taste takes some getting used to, and it won’t help you acclimate to the taste any easier if your Kratom tastes like onion soup.

Another consideration is the storage container itself. For example, if you’re planning to use an old cigar humidor to store your Kratom, it may come out of that container smelling like cigars. It’s not just where you store your Kratom, but what you store it in as well.

Tips for Storing Kratom

Here are some storage ideas if you want to store your Kratom for daily use, long-term, or in different forms, like brewed tea.

storage ideas for kratom powderAvoid Dampness

The number one enemy of any stored food item is moisture. You do not, under any circumstances, want to let your Kratom get wet and soggy and stay that way. It will rot. Dampness affects capsules, powder, or Kratom leaves in the same detrimental way.

If your refrigerator is unusually humid, you may want to rethink that space as a storage area. Often, humidity can build up within storage containers like bins, so make sure there is as little oxygen in your containers as possible. Adding a paper towel or piece of bread to your storage container may help soak up some excess humidity in the air as well.

Storing Kratom for Daily Use

The best method for storing Kratom for daily consumption is with small, plastic bags. Divide your Kratom leaves or powder into small portions for each day, and then put each part into a separate container.

The most crucial step to this method of storage is to remove all the air from the bag, as oxygen is not beneficial to Kratom’s longevity. Close the bag as much as you can and then press down to remove any remaining air. You can also use a straw to suck out the air right before you zip it shut. Some Kratom users utilize vacuum seal bags.

After you have your plastic bags sealed, place them all in a larger plastic bin or tin to divide your Kratom by the week or month. The Kratom you don’t use will be safely stored well away from UV light, dampness, or oxygen, the three significant factors that degrade its efficacy.

Some people swear by putting their sealed, daily-use bags into the freezer for longer-term storage. The verdict is still out on whether this is any more effective than any other storage method. You also have to be wary of freezer burn on your Kratom when you store it in the freezer for long periods.

Long-Term Storage

If you’re wondering how to store Kratom for an extended period, simply use the same method you would to store it for short-term use. Divide your Kratom up into more substantial portions than you would for short-term usage and save some of these together in a bag or bin. You can split it up by month, strain, or form.

When you need to restock your short-term supply, you only have to break out what you need.

Storing Brewed Tea

If drinking Kratom tea is your preferred method of ingesting Kratom, you can make tea in advance for convenience. Kratom tea can last a week in the fridge or indefinitely in the freezer. As with other methods of storage, keep your Kratom tea in an airtight container at the back of the fridge.

A great way to keep Kratom tea on-hand is to freeze it after you’ve brewed it. Many Kratom users choose to potentiate their Kratom by creating and freezing a Kratom paste. Freezing the Kratom breaks the plant cell walls to release the alkaloids faster. Freezing your Kratom tea may also be a good potentiator.

Brew the tea as you usually would and let it cool to room temperature. Transfer it to a plastic container or an ice cube tray. Don’t use a glass container, as these can break when the liquid expands into a frozen solid.

Keep your frozen Kratom tea sealed or covered so it won’t pick up any unpleasant odors in your freezer. If you have frozen Kratom tea into ice cube trays, transfer these to a container with an airtight seal before storing it in the icebox.

Different Containers

The most effective containers to store Kratom in are plastic bags and freezer bags, mainly because you can squeeze all the air out of them before storing them in a cool, dark place.

Plastic bins or glass jars also work, especially if they are dark-hued and resistant to UV light.

storage tips for kratomCheck your Kratom Often

If you are storing Kratom in your pantry or freezer, check it periodically to make sure it doesn’t have freezer burn or mold. Some of the ways you can tell your Kratom isn’t appropriately stored are loss of smell, loss of color, and visible signs of decay or freezer burn.

If your Kratom, whether it is in powder, leaf, or tea form, looks differently than it did when you initially stored it, then something has changed and probably not for the better.

If you think that the color is off or you can’t smell the Kratom anymore, your Kratom is likely deteriorating due to mishandled storage techniques. Degraded Kratom does not last as long as correctly stored Kratom, and the benefits suffer as a result.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re an experienced Kratom user or new to the world of Kratom, you want to get the most out of your products. Maintaining the longevity and quality of your Kratom is essential, and as Kratom is a botanical, this means you have to take some careful steps to protect it in storage.

Once you’ve found the perfect Kratom strain for you, store your Kratom correctly so it will last a long time. Choose a space that is uniformly cool and shady, and that doesn’t have many strong smells. With a little bit of extra effort, you can ensure your Kratom lasts as long as possible.

Written By Staff

The staff writers for Kats Botanicals have been researching and writing about Kratom products for more than 5 years, and have a combined experience of over 35 years of writing in the healthcare and supplement industry. The team has a keen understanding of the topic, remain current on all FDA and industry news, and use their expertise to generate engaging and informative content to help educate consumers on Kats Botanicals’ products. Each article is fact-checked and includes sources to scientific data to ensure readers receive the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.

Reviewed By Justin Kats

Justin Kats, founder of Kats Botanicals reviews and approves all content before releasing it for posting on the Kats Botanical website. Justin has been a tireless advocate for the benefits of Kratom since 2012. As a champion for botanical therapy, Justin created a Facebook group where more than 12,000 people discuss botanicals, and Kratom. He has also assisted more than 80,000 customers since the inception of his business and works directly with a single source farmer to ensure the purity of the products he sells. He also performs rigorous lab testing because he understands what it takes to get a high-quality and safe product to market.

KRATOM WARNING: For use by individuals 21+ only. Not for use by pregnant or lactating women. Consult a physician before consuming if taking any medication or if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to heart disease, high blood pressure, or liver disorder. Do not combine this product with alcohol or other medications. May be habit-forming and lead to dependency. Not intended for long-term use. For more information, see our Ideal Kratom Dosage Guide for general suggested use.

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how to store your kratom