Perhaps you’re starting a new job and are worried Kratom will show up in your urine drug test. Or your doctor wants to put you on a new medication and wants you to come off of Kratom. Maybe you’ve discovered you’re pregnant and want to quit Kratom. For whatever reason, it’s helpful to know how long Kratom stays in your system.
Knowing how Kratom works in the body can help you make well-informed decisions about your health and wellness. Plus, if you’ve been taking high doses of Kratom for a long period of time, you may worry about Kratom withdrawal symptoms, or that Kratom may linger in your body longer than you expect.
Let’s take a look at how some factors affect how long Kratom stays in your system, how Kratom is metabolized, and what you need to do to get Kratom out of your system quicker.
What Is Kratom?
Kratom, also called Thang, Kakuam, Thom, Ketum, and Biak, originates in Southeast Asia. Kratom comes from powdered Kratom leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, which is related to the coffee plant. The Kratom products we use today are typically imported from Indonesia.
People use Kratom for its variety of potential benefits, which are provided by the psychoactive biochemicals found in the Kratom leaves called alkaloids. How long Kratom stays in your system depends on how long it takes these alkaloids to metabolize and expel from the body’s blood and tissues.
Kratom Potential Benefits
Kratom’s benefits may be a little different from person to person, can vary by Kratom strain, and may include:
- Feeling more calm, less stressed, and more comfortable
- Plant-based support before or after working out or doing strenuous activities
- For jitter-free kickstarts to the day
- To bolster motivation and maintain a positive outlook
- To feel more sociable
Click here to learn more about Kratom benefits.
The Role of Kratom Alkaloids
There are dozens of alkaloids found in Kratom leaves, the two primary (and most well-known) being Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine. Though 7-Hydroxymitragynine is supplied in small amounts in Kratom, it is an active metabolite of Mitragynine. This means that when you ingest Mitragynine, which makes up about 66% of Kratom’s alkaloid profile, your body changes some of the Mitragynine into 7-Hydroxymitragynine, the more powerful of the two alkaloids.
The science of how these alkaloids work in the body is still a matter of much scientific study and this includes how these alkaloids stay in the body, and for how long.
Note: Lab production of 7-Hydroxymitragynine is a recent trend in the world of Kratom. Educate yourself on how alkaloid tampering with 7-Hydroxymitragynine can be unhealthy and even ill-advised.
Detection in a Drug Test for Kratom
Many standard drug tests are not designed to detect Kratom or its alkaloids, and therefore cannot detect Kratom in your system. That being said, if the test is designed to screen for Kratom or its alkaloids (usually Mitragynine), then it may show up in a urine test or blood test. A drug test that checks for Kratom is usually a 10-panel drug test that screens for chemicals such as Kratom alkaloids and metabolites.
Learn more about Kratom and drug tests.
Does Kratom Show up as an Opioid?
Depending on the type of drug test administered, Kratom can throw false positives for opioids or other drugs in your system such as methadone. This may happen when there are high concentrations of Kratom’s metabolites in your system. Although Kratom is not an opioid, drug test sensitivities vary and may not be tailored to differentiate between recognized opioid metabolites and those of the botanical substance.
How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?
Here’s where we wish we had exact numbers for you. But a great many factors affect how long Kratom stays in a person’s system. Plus, there’s still some uncertainty to this question, thanks to the lack of medical studies on the matter. The general consensus is this:
- Kratom remains in the system for up to 3-7 days.
- Kratom’s half-life is somewhere between 4-6 hours and 24 hours, depending on the type of Kratom you take and its strength.
- Even after your Kratom dose “wears off” and you cannot feel the effects of the active compounds, Kratom can be detected in a person’s system for days or even weeks later.
The United States Food and Drug Administration does not regulate Kratom, its alkaloids or Kratom metabolites, and therefore many companies do not have a policy regarding Kratom use. This means it is up to you to ask questions and learn if there is any amount of Kratom in your system that is allowed by your organization or employer.
Note: Because it is difficult to feel the effects past the half-life of Kratom, many people are tempted to take more Kratom to keep that pleasurable feeling going. It’s important to remember that with Kratom less is often more. You should always adhere to the manufacturer’s and your doctor’s recommendations for a healthy Kratom dosing guide. This can also help to prevent Kratom dependence.
How Long Do the Effects of Kratom Stay in Your System?
The half-life of Kratom means the point at which the dose you took is halved in the body. Because the effects of Kratom lessen as you approach its half-life, you may not feel its effects and think the Kratom is fully out of your system. But just because you can no longer feel the effects does not mean that Kratom’s active compounds are no longer in your body.
How long Kratom remains in a person’s system is related to the Kratom active compounds’ hepatic metabolism rates, along with the user’s Kratom-taking habits and personal metabolism.
Understanding How Kratom Is Metabolized
Kratom is taken orally. The substance is digested and once the alkaloids enter the bloodstream (and pass the blood-brain barrier) you are able to feel the powerful effects. You can feel Kratom’s effects most strongly before the substance reaches half-life in your system. Because the active compounds in Kratom follow a biphasic elimination rate, there’s a steep phase followed by a shallow one. This means there is a fast rate of metabolism and elimination followed by a longer, extended one.
The second, extended phase of Kratom’s metabolism involves hepatic processing by the liver. Because of this extended metabolism of Kratom that takes place in the liver, we are unsure of the precise length of time it takes Kratom to fully leave the body after an oral dose of the substance is taken. During this second phase of Kratom’s metabolizing, the enzymes and metabolites related to Kratom can be detected in the urine as these compounds are eliminated from the body.
Science Direct explained after completing a systematic review of the existing studies on the pharmacokinetics of Mitragynine, that “the discovered studies provided scant information on the role of metabolism and redistribution into tissues nor the rate of excretion.” More assays are needed to review detection at select time variables with a wide array of Kratom users to help us understand more of how this fascinating substance is processed in the human body. Given Kratom’s exponential growth as a natural supplement, more researchers are taking up this cause.
Factors Affect How Long Kratom Stays in Your System
Many factors determine how long Kratom stays in your body. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant factors.
Does Kratom Type Matter?
Kratom is typically taken orally in powder, capsule, gummy, or liquid form. Each of these types of Kratom must be metabolized by the body. Although it’s highly inadvisable, there are cases of people taking Kratom intravenously or by Kratom vaping or smoking.
There’s little data to show which types of Kratom (i.e. Kratom powders vs Kratom extracts) may metabolize faster and be fully eliminated from the body. That being said, Kratom extracts have much higher concentrations of Kratom’s alkaloids. Kratom’s longevity in your system has less to do with Kratom type and is more dependent on Kratom potency.
Kratom products with higher Kratom potency (higher concentrations of alkaloids) may take longer by the body to fully eliminate simply due to the extra hepatic “work” required to eliminate them. Be cognizant when taking higher potency products to adhere to dosing recommendations of the amount of Kratom, recommended frequency of dosing, and any other dose-related instructions by the manufacturer.
Examples of high potency Kratom products include:
- Enhanced Kratom products which are formulated to have higher concentrations of Mitragynine and/or other alkaloids.
- Kratom extract gummies which are Kratom gummies infused with extracts of Mitragynine.
- Kratom extracts of Mitragynine, which are often quite potent. These “hit” harder than regular Kratom products, but you may be limited on how often you can use them.
- Kratom shots are excellent for a quick boost of energy and Kratom effects, but may also have higher amounts of Mitragynine alkaloids.
When extract or high-potency Kratom is used, understand that you may feel the effects wane more significantly as the half-life is neared, but this should not be interpreted that the Kratom is out of your system. It’s a common misconception to underestimate how long the active compounds linger in the body when it is more pronounced that you no longer feel them.
Does Kratom Strain Matter?
Yes! Kratom strain can play a role depending on its concentration of alkaloids. Some strains, such as Maeng Da Kratom are naturally more potent with higher MIT levels.
Kratom Dose
Dosing factors include how much Kratom you take, how often you take Kratom, and the concentration of Kratom’s alkaloids in the products you use. It makes sense that the larger the dose, the more alkaloids your body must metabolize (for longer duration) in the liver.
Note: Using untested, unsafe Kratom can cause unpredictable results, or create hepatic stress. You could unknowingly be ingesting heavy metals, toxins, or molds. Always purchase Kratom from a reputable vendor like Kats Botanicals which takes third-party testing very seriously!
Physiology & Metabolism
Your body also contributes to how long Kratom stays in your system.
- Age & general health
- Metabolism
- Condition & health of liver function
- Hydration habits
- Health conditions that may be present
- The amount and type of other drugs or supplements your liver must process
- Environmental factors that may stress the liver
- The quality of Kratom you use
Responsible Kratom Use Is Best
Regardless of your reasons for turning to Kratom, it is important to use Kratom as directed. Manufacturer’s dosing recommendations are based on the time that Kratom takes to deliver the effects Kratom produces, but also the time it takes Kratom to leave your system.
It is never advisable to abuse Kratom or to combine Kratom use with alcohol. Further, because Kratom can change the way your body metabolizes other drugs, supplements, or medications (especially when they share metabolizing enzymes), you should speak with your medical doctor prior to choosing Kratom as a natural support supplement.
Kratom Tolerance vs Kratom Addiction
Due to the unique metabolism habits of Kratom within the body, it can be easy to overuse Kratom. Overuse of Kratom’s alkaloids can lead to Kratom abuse and addiction, especially for those who have suffered other addictive behaviors prior to using Kratom. Help for Kratom cessation is available through many drug treatment programs designed to help you overcome Kratom dependence.
Tips for Getting Kratom Out of Your System
Three factors help with the elimination of Kratom from the body. For one, do not take any subsequent doses which would start the elimination “clock” over. Two, drink plenty of fluids. Good, clean, drinking water is best to support your body’ ability to metabolize and eliminate Kratom’s metabolites. And lastly, time. It takes time, sometimes weeks, for your body to fully dispel all Kratom compounds.
For more information on how to use Kratom responsibly as a way to find improved well-being and comfort, refer to our Kratom Guidebook which includes articles on wellness botanicals including Kratom, CBD, Kava, and Shilajit.
Learn More:
- Complete Guide for New Kratom Users
- Kratom Strains Comparison Chart
- Kratom vs Kava Powders