You may be hearing about new Kratom products: Kratom vape cartridges, Kratom vape pens, or Kratom available for smoking. There are reasons why these products aren’t mainstream, and why companies like Kats Botanicals are not offering them or condoning their use. Today, we’re talking about the pros and cons of Kratom vaping. We’re also sharing insight as to why vaping or smoking Kratom isn’t the best way to get your Kratom benefits.
Why People Are Curious About Vaping Kratom
Because vaping and smoking deliver chemicals to your system faster than metabolizing them, naturally Kratom users want to know if vaping Kratom is better. Our hard stance on this is threefold:
- Vaping and smoking are not safe methods for ingesting Kratom.
- Vaping and smoking Kratom destroys the active alkaloids.
- There are better, safer ways to ingest Kratom.
Is It possible To Vape Kratom?
If you’re seeking immediate relief you may be looking for quicker ways to get the active alkaloids of Kratom – Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine – into your system. But are devices designed for vaping really a quicker way to experience its effects? Possibly not when you consider the damage to the Kratom alkaloids when they are overly heated. The average temperature for a vaping device reaches 400–500 Fahrenheit to heat up the vape juice and vaporize it into an inhalable form.
Kratom’s alkaloids aren’t stable if below or above temperatures of 39-176 degrees Fahrenheit. When you get to those higher temps, like what is common for vaping devices and vape pens, then the active alkaloids are diminished, degraded, or destroyed. So, while it’s possible to vaporize Kratom…why? The molecules that give you Kratom benefits are degraded or destroyed in the process!
Is It Legal To Vape Kratom?
It’s currently legal to use Kratom in most places in the US. (See if Kratom is legal in your area to purchase, transport, or use.) No specifics are currently designated by the Food and Drug Administration pertaining to the method of ingestion. Typically the states may set the minimum age for Kratom purchase or consumption at 18 or 21.
Vaping is handled similarly to Kratom due to its non-regulatory status. Federally the practice is legal while flavored disposables have been outlawed to protect the youth to which these products were targeted. This is following concerns over lung disorders associated with vaping and concerns over teens becoming addicted to using vapes for nicotine.
Lots of botanicals have come into the vape conversation. CBD, CBD flower, other cannabinoids, marijuana, chamomile, passionflower, hibiscus, and even catnip. And yes, Kratom. As with many other botanicals, the federal government doesn’t get involved much if the substance isn’t listed as a drug to be controlled. So the states are left to decide what’s best for their constituents.
See how Tennessee, Texas, California, and Florida Kratom laws have been recently developed to better protect Kratom users.
With botanical products like Kratom and CBD, for example, each state makes its own set of laws concerning vaping, vape pens and devices, and the sale of vaporizing liquids. Most of these laws and regulations are nicotine-oriented, but some are Cannabis- or Kratom-related. It’s important to research your state’s laws (and sometimes even your municipality) before considering purchasing or vaping any substance.
Kratom Vaping Pros And Cons
Chemicals may be absorbed into the bloodstream faster | Products may be difficult to find: Kratom you can use in a dry herb Vaporizer or liquid vaporizer, Kratom vape pens or cartridges, Kratom disposables |
Social aspect / enjoyable | Vape cleaning & maintenance can be complex |
Portable | Not very discreet |
Because liquid extracts are often used, the potency is of concern. (How much is absorbed?) | |
Degradation of the active alkaloid compounds | |
Costly | |
Unsafe for lungs and overall health | |
Other potential side effects: irritation in the throat and mouth, coughing, excessive throat clearing | |
Lack of evidence of benefits for this method of Kratom ingestion | |
(Honestly, we’re struggling to find PROS.) | Innovation in products may be growing faster than the understanding of how Kratom vaping affects the body |
Kratom has been used for centuries as a way to improve daily life, but when it comes to vaping or smoking the herb, clearly the cons far outweigh the benefits of vaping Kratom. Traditionally, chewing the leaves provided support, though now Kratom users lean toward using Kratom powders, Kratom capsules, or Kratom gummies. Due to safety issues, many Kratom companies are condemning both Kratom vaping and smoking.
How To Use Kratom Vapes Or Disposables
To vape Kratom a device is used to atomize the particles and create a vapor that’s inhaled, much like smoking. Instead of a fire to burn the material, the heat is provided electronically. This provides a consistent and controlled amount within the entire liquid cartridge, but vaping habits may lead to higher ingestion. Particles are absorbed from the lungs into the bloodstream, providing the onset of effects.
There are two types of vaporizers common on the market today:
- Portable Dry Herb Vaporizers – These are popular for herbal connoisseurs. Kratom may pose a clogging or overheating issue because it works better with lightly ground leaf rather than powder forms of herbs. It’s unclear what kind of potency you are getting due to the wide variety of Kratom that may be used and the question about alkaloid destruction.
- Liquid Vaporizers or Atomizers – These are electronic devices (some disposable, others are refilled, and some require pre-filled cartridges). If you can find Kratom juice or cartridges, follow the same precautions in vetting the best Kratom vendors and researching the product’s sourcing, ingredients, purity, potency, directions for use, and dosage.
Note: Never tamper with vape juice products. Many researchers believe that this increases the chances of suffering lung dysfunction or damage from vaping (any substance).
Kratom Disposables & Kratom Vape Pens
Kratom disposables would include Kratom cigarettes or cigars made with Kratom leaf or ground Kratom, or other pre-filled (but disposable) Kratom vaping devices. Many flavored disposables (nicotine-based, typically) have been banned due to their marketing toward young people.
There Are Better Ways To Get The Effects Of Kratom
Why take Kratom in a way that may be bothersome or unhealthy? Furthermore, why waste good Kratom by burning it (which, of course, destroys the alkaloid profile) or vaping it (which provides questionable results)? There are much better ways to consume Kratom. We think some things are better done – traditionally. With Kratom, sticking with what is known to work best is best!
✅ Make Kratom Tea
Kratom tea involves mixing Kratom powders with water or juice. Measuring a precise dose when mixing Kratom tea ensures that users get a consistent and controlled dose of Kratom. There are many Kratom strains to choose from allowing you to design your own wellness program inspired by the effects of this herb.
✅ Enjoy A Kratom Gummy
Kratom gummies are tasty and portable making them ideal for Kratom doses on the go! Try these delicious Kratom gummies to enjoy your next Kratom experience:
- Island Punch Kratom Extract Gummies
- Green Apple Kratom Extract Gummies
- Black Cherry Kratom Extract Gummies
✅ Use Kratom Capsules Or Powders With OJ!
Mixing Kratom doses with orange juice does something rather interesting. Because of its acidity, delicious orange juice amplifies the effects of Kratom when taken at the same time! Try these fun Kratom recipes to shake up your Kratom routine.
Kratom Extracts
A word on Kratom extracts. Some Kratom users may be curious about Kratom vaping because they want something strong and fast, and for one reason or another are reluctant to try Kratom extracts. First, many vaporizing liquids are Kratom extracts. Second, if you want a higher-level Kratom experience, but are hesitant to use high-potency extracts, there are a few recommendations:
- Instead of taking full doses of Kratom Extract Shots, try adding a few drops to your regular Kratom tea or coffee. They are meant to be used occasionally, supplementally, and precisely. You can stick with your current Kratom regimen, but add a few extra drops when you need a little more support.
- Use Kratom potentiators to amp up your experience.
- Switch strains. Kratom can develop a tolerance quickly for some people. Switch things up regularly! Keeps the routine fresh and the benefits noticeable.
Always Use Kratom smartly!
Kratom is widely available in forms that are easy to use and versatile. It’s easy to find the perfect Kratom journey for you when you learn a little about the various strains that are available. If you’re new to Kratom, start with low doses and try a few different strains to see what works for you. If you’re experienced in Kratom use and need to step up your journey, see our article on Kratom tolerance, which may help you bust that plateau. And, as always, use Kratom as directed.
Our Verdict: More research is needed before anyone can say that vaping Kratom or smoking it are safe ways to enjoy this tropical herb. Instead, buy kratom products that are regularly available from reputable Krato brands!