Kava beverages are becoming a popular way to unwind and socialize. But how long does it take for kava to kick in? Does it take a while, or are the effects pretty quick?
As a leader in plant-based wellness supplements like kratom and CBD, we get a lot of questions like this about kava.
- How do I use kava?
- How do I know it’s working?
- How long does kava tea take to kick in?
- How long does it take for kava capsules to kick in?
- How long will kava make me feel good?
Let’s look at how kava works in the body and what you need to know to get those optimum kava effects.
First, What Is Kava?
If you’ve just bought your first bag of kava grounds, you’re in for a real treat. Buying kava can be a great way to unwind and take the edge off your day.
Kava is produced by grinding up the roots of the Piper methysticum plant, a member of the pepper family. This interesting botanical is cultivated in the South Pacific islands and has been used for more than a thousand years to:
- Enhance social and ceremonial practices
- Promote and support relaxation
- Induce social ease and a pleasant atmosphere
You may find kava products in natural wellness stores, at kava bars, or from online vendors that specialize in kava and other botanical supplements.
Modern-day kava drinkers can enjoy kava in several forms:
- Kava powders for making “teas”
- Kava capsules
- Potent kava extracts that concentrate the active compounds of kava into a liquid carrier
“Stress-relieving” tea bags you find in the grocery store. Note – Though they may contain a little kava, these are largely made of black or green tea leaves and botanicals like Ashwagandha, chamomile, and licorice.
If you want the full kava experience, complete with the flavor, aroma, texture, and shared smiles kava is known for – you’ll want to stick to traditional kava powders drunk together in small groups.
How Long Does it Take for Kava to Kick In?
Kava contains active botanicals called kavalactones. Essentially, the kava takes effect when these kavalactones reach the bloodstream. But some effects are felt almost as soon as the milky substance touches your lips! Typically, kava takes about 15 to 30 minutes, or more, to “kick in.” This may take a little longer for kava capsules or weaker kava teas. How do you know when it’s kicking in? It turns out, some pretty cool effects let you know the kava is working its magic.
Who Can Enjoy Kava?
If you’re an adult of reasonable health, and your doctor thinks it’s fine – then you! If you’re taking other medications or supplements, discuss your plans to use any botanicals with your healthcare professional. Kava is legal in all 50 states of the U.S.
Factors that Affect Kava Onset Time
Several factors may affect the absorption of kava into your bloodstream, thereby affecting how quickly kava’s effects start kicking in. Let’s optimize your experience.
Method of Kava Consumption
How you consume your kava will affect how long it takes for the kava to metabolize and begin washing you over with its desired effects.
- Fastest: Traditionally prepared kava teas of moderate strength and higher
- Strongest: Kava extracts
- Most lasting: Kava teas drunk in rounds of smaller servings
- Most convenient: Kava capsules
- Most fun: Visit a kava bar
- Easiest: Micronized powders
- Most palatable: Kava coffee or flavored kava drinks
Types of Kava
There are two distinct types of kava; noble kava and Tudei kava. Higher quality noble kava drinks will yield more consistent and predictable results. For a good brand of noble kava, you can expect the “within the hour” effects to slowly percolate into your system, bringing you those soothing kava effects that last. Lower quality Tudei varieties can be very strong and may cause unwanted side effects that can linger into the next day. Whether these kick in faster or slower is simply hard to predict with these varieties.
There are also three main types of kava hailing from different places and produced in a variety of ways:
- Fiji Kava
- Tonga kava
- Kava Blends
How You Drink Your Kava
Traditionally, kava was prepared into a drinkable mixture using a wide, low bowl, called a Tanoa, or a Yaqona, around which the kava drinkers would gather. The powders were put into a fine mesh bag and kneaded as the cool or tepid water was poured over. This flushes the active compounds into a brew and readies it for consumption.
The tea or brew is milky, a bit earthy, and sometimes mildly gritty. This muddy brew is called kava “tea” or grog. Then, it was ladled into smaller coconut bowls, for each person to partake, in turn, and drink down quickly. In rounds, several bowls would be consumed in a sitting. This prolonged and sustained the effects with subsequent refreshing bowls of the liquid.
How Do You Know Kava Is Working?
The first sensation can be a tingly feeling in the lips, mouth, and throat. This may seem strange to first-time kava drinkers, but it is how you know the kava is already at work. This “side-effect” of kava is simply a part of the whole experience. You may note in that first hour a sense of letting go or feeling a little more laid back. You may begin to smile, chat with your neighbor, or feel like the day is melting away.
Your Body’s Physiology | Your Tolerance Level
Everyone’s body is a little different. You may feel the kava effects more strongly than others, or it may take several rounds of the drink before you feel its effects. The quickness of your metabolism, your sensitivity to the substance, and any tolerance you may have developed will all affect the strength and duration of your kava experience.
How Does Your Body Absorb Kava?
Kava is metabolized through the stomach and intestines and delivered to the bloodstream where you can feel its effects throughout your body. A note here on mastication. As you probably learned way back in grade school, digestion doesn’t begin in the stomach, but rather in the chewing, grinding, and salivating actions that take place in your mouth.
Though it may seem strange to Westerners, kava was traditionally chewed to grind the roots into steepable grounds. This mastication process has been largely abandoned for more hygienic methods of grinding.
Other Factors that Affect Your Kava Experience
Here’s how to set the stage for your best kava experience:
- Drink kava on an empty stomach.
- Enjoy kava with others – it’s meant to be a social experience.
- For safer and more predictable results, avoid alcohol or other substances when you consume kava.
- Get in the right mindset. Take a few moments to breathe slowly and deeply to prepare yourself for the kava experience.
- Enjoy kava in a relaxing setting to best awaken your senses.
- Drink kava quickly and with a cheerful countenance. Traditionally, Pacific Islanders held a ceremony to drink their kava, complete with short claps, smiles, and cheerful greetings of “Bula!”
- For the greatest chill skip the caffeine. Kava can stimulate the effects of caffeine.
- Buy great kava! You’ll want a high-quality, pure kava to get the best experience.
Above all, listen to your body. Mindful kava use is delightful and personal, and you know when you’ve hit that peak zone of your experience. Since this varies a bit from person to person, pay attention to how and when you feel the effects.
From all of us here at Kats Botanicals – Bula!
Q: How long does it take kava to kick in?
Depending on your body’s physiology, tolerance, how much you’ve eaten, the amount of kava you consume, and the strength of your kava product, this could be anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, or more.
Q: How long does it take ‘kava tea’ to kick in?
Because kava tea contains microactive particles, it can be pretty quick. From that first tingly-lip sensation to the good kava feelings can be anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour. Subsequent kava drinks can heighten and prolong your kava experience.
Q: What’s the best way to take kava?
Kava tea is the most traditional way, but with kava extracts and kava capsules, you can enjoy kava in the form that works best for your time and lifestyle. We do, however, recommend that you use a high quality kava for the best experience.
Q: How long does it take kava capsules to work?
Kava capsules are taken with a glass of water. Capsules begin to dissolve in the stomach immediately and may begin taking effect within 1-2 hours after consumption.
Q: How long do the effects of kava last?
Kava tends to work its magic for about 4-6 hours, but this may be quickened if your body metabolizes quickly. To enhance and prolong your kava experience, take it in smaller amounts, spread out in a few servings. These subsequent drinks can keep your happiness flowing!
Q: What is the effect of kava?
People report all kinds of feelings – anything from chill, relaxation, calm, elation, and increased creativity – but your experience will be uniquely your own. We’d love to hear about your experience with our kava products. Will you contact us and share your story?
Q: What’s the best kava to buy?
Always purchase from a reputable kava vendor who harvests with care and prepares your product with attention to purity. A reputable vendor, like Kats Botanicals, will demonstrate that they quality test for purity and potency, and will be transparent about what’s in their kava products.