kratom tolerance

Kratom Tolerance – How To Keep It Real

If you’re a Kratom fan, who feels as if Kratom isn’t adding to your balance and flexibility quite as much as it used to, you aren’t imagining things.

Much like any other botanical, when you adopt something into your routine regularly, there comes a time when your body doesn’t respond in the same way as it used to. Maybe your regular dose doesn’t help balance your stresses out in the same way it once did.

Don’t despair; there’s something you can do about Kratom tolerance. By switching your strains and scheduling your dosages, you can break free from stagnant strain syndrome and once again enjoy Kratom’s powerful benefits in your daily routine.

What Is Kratom Tolerance?

As you become more used to the plant, your body becomes less sensitive to it, which means you won’t have the same favorable outcomes that you once did. This is perfectly normal and happens with many substances that humans adopt into their wellness regimens.

Coffee, sugar, and other foodstuffs that you come across every day are all susceptible to this effect; however, that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it. Here are some tips and tricks to get away from stagnant strain syndrome.

Stagnant Strain Syndrome

The different strains of Kratom all come from one tree. Most of the green vein and white vein varieties of Kratom come from the red vein Kratom tree. There are some exceptions, but this is generally true for most Kratom products.

To create different strains, green and white Kratom powders are made from red vein Kratom leaves, which are dried in a particular way, resulting in a different strain. White vein Kratom is dried indoors with minimal exposure to sunlight or UV rays, resulting in its light hue. Green vein Kratom is also dried indoors, but it gets some exposure to UV light. Red vein Kratom is fermented in bags and then exposed to UV light, which makes its warm, amber hue extremely prominent.

As you may know, each Kratom strain uniquely interacts with your body. The red vein can imbue a sense of calm and serenity. Green vein promotes alertness, focus, and motivation. White vein Kratom has many of the beneficial qualities of the red vein, with a boost to your well-being to help you seize the day.

If you depend on one strain too much, you may end up suffering from stagnant strain syndrome, and your routine may feel halted. There are ways to tell if your Kratom regimen is becoming stagnant.

Different Stages of Kratom Tolerance

In the honeymoon phase, a person who is new to Kratom enjoys the powerful benefits for the first time. This stage won’t last forever, so enjoy it.

The next phase of the Kratom experience is where you want to be. For those consumers who enjoy a Kratom lifestyle, this is the sweet spot. You know which strains you like best, and you know what your optimal dosage is. The optimal dosage for all Kratom users is 2.4 grams, and you should not exceed two doses within 24 hours. If you can find your perfect dosage and regularly switch up your strains, you can coast along in this stage for a while.

The third stage occurs when your body becomes very used to the Kratom, and you no longer experience the benefits as easily or efficiently. When you hit this stage, there are some things that you can do to find that sweet spot again.

The primary way to tell if you’re suffering from stagnant strain syndrome is that you find yourself increasing your dose each time to enjoy the benefits of Kratom.

It is perfectly normal to have a day or two where your Kratom doesn’t seem as beneficial. Almost everyone experiences a dose that doesn’t seem to do anything at all. Still, when you find yourself missing more often than not and adding to your dose to make up for the loss, you may want to consider a different dosage schedule and strain rotation.

Schedule Your Kratom

what is kratom and how does it workTo break free from this stagnancy, combine a set schedule with strain rotation. For your schedule, the first step is to keep track of your usual doses. Record each time you take a dose and, most importantly, which strain it is.

After a few days, check out the schedule and finalize it. Maybe you like green vein Kratom in the morning and usually have a Kratom smoothie for breakfast. Or perhaps you enjoy tea made of red vein Kratom in the evening to help you ease into a calm state of mind.

Whatever your preferred time of day and strain is, make a note. Once you have a handle on when you like your Kratom, set a schedule and include dosage. Since the alkaloids in the Kratom plant don’t collect in a concentration in your body, a planned schedule can help you space out your doses and make you less susceptible to stagnant tolerance.

A set schedule blended with strain rotation may help dispel any stagnancy in your Kratom routine.

Strain Rotation

You may have a favorite type of Kratom and want to stick to it, but if you’ve been experiencing a higher-than-normal tolerance for Kratom, you should switch it up.

Perhaps you already rotate the different strains in your entourage, but if you’re experiencing stagnant tolerance, switch your strains daily.

Pick three or four reliable Kratom strains that you’ve taken before and enjoyed. Set up a rotating schedule, making sure you don’t have the same strain two days in a row. Ideally, you would only have the same strain every third day or so.

Strain rotation can get complicated fast, so the most straightforward method is to write it all down or use a scheduling app on your phone. Record the time of day you prefer to take your dose, what strain you’re taking, and how much.

If you stick to a set schedule and dosage, switching your strains up, so you’re not encountering the same strain every single day, you should feel the constraints of Kratom tolerance begin to loosen. As a bonus, you may find new strains of Kratom you enjoy.

Another way to make the most of your Kratom dose is with a potentiator.


A potentiator increases the power of whatever substance with which it is combined. Some well-known Kratom potentiators are citrus juices, magnesium, black pepper, and turmeric.

However, you’ll have to do some research, as some potentiators work best with your Kratom dose, and some work best if you take them before or after your dose.

It doesn’t take much to potentiate your Kratom. Add lemon to your tea, or chase your toss-and-wash dose with some apple cider vinegar. If you make your Kratom capsules at home, you can also combine your Kratom and the potentiator into one capsule.

As with any addition to your health and wellness lifestyle, start small and build up. This is especially with potentiators, as they can make a significant difference quickly.

Quality Products

what is kratomOne of the main ways to make sure your Kratom journey goes smoothly is to get your Kratom from a reputable seller.

Without much regulation, there are many vendors out there. You want to ensure that the one you choose has high standards, tests their products in outside labs, and has stable relationships with the growers and processors in Southeast Asia.

Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree in Southeast Asia, and the cultures that have cultivated this amazing tree for centuries know the ideal time to pick the Kratom leaves. They also know the proper ways to process and store the leaves.

There are a lot of different strains available. The length of time the leaves dry in the sun can result in a different strain with just a small adjustment to the type of light or length. Southeast Asian cultivators understand the ins and outs of this process, and the vendor you choose must have a strong relationship with the people who produce Kratom leaves.

It is hard to stick to a strain rotation schedule if you’re unsure of the properties of your dosage’s alkaloid content. Another way to guarantee that your dose only has powdered Kratom leaves in it, with nothing detrimental, is to choose a vendor that sends its products out for third-party testing.

When a company sends its Kratom powder out to an unbiased lab for testing, the lab tests for alkaloid content, label transparency, and any detrimental factors like heavy metals, pesticides, or pathogens.

At Kats Botanicals, we make the results of these tests available upon request. Our Kratom is not made with fillers or any other detrimental substances that could detract from your Kratom experience.

The Take-home Message

If you’ve been a Kratom consumer for a while, you’ve probably moved out of the honeymoon phase. You may have also found your sweet spot – that perfect dose of your favorite strain. However, you may find that your daily dose of Kratom just isn’t as powerful as it once was. You are not alone.

Some excellent ways to get around high Kratom tolerance is to record a set schedule and dosage, switch your strains regularly, and, if need be, use a potentiator like citrus juice or turmeric. With a little discipline and tracking, you can set a Kratom schedule that works for your body to boost your well-being every day.

Written By Staff

The staff writers for Kats Botanicals have been researching and writing about Kratom products for more than 5 years, and have a combined experience of over 35 years of writing in the healthcare and supplement industry. The team has a keen understanding of the topic, remain current on all FDA and industry news, and use their expertise to generate engaging and informative content to help educate consumers on Kats Botanicals’ products. Each article is fact-checked and includes sources to scientific data to ensure readers receive the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.

Reviewed By Justin Kats

Justin Kats, founder of Kats Botanicals reviews and approves all content before releasing it for posting on the Kats Botanical website. Justin has been a tireless advocate for the benefits of Kratom since 2012. As a champion for botanical therapy, Justin created a Facebook group where more than 12,000 people discuss botanicals, and Kratom. He has also assisted more than 80,000 customers since the inception of his business and works directly with a single source farmer to ensure the purity of the products he sells. He also performs rigorous lab testing because he understands what it takes to get a high-quality and safe product to market.

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